Using a new and strong security technology we provide software developers and publishers with an unprecedented level of protection.
With Ellipter you can:
For a full list of supported features follow visit Ellipter's Features page.
Download Get Trial Key Online Keygen OrderProduct keys are as short as possible: 29 characters length when no product info is embedded.
//more examples here. SerialsManager manager = new SerialsManager(); manager.PublicKey = "WTCCV77CW4B ... S6DJEPS2N7F92E"; bool isSerialValid = manager.IsValid(serial);
Ellipter is self-protected, which means we fully trust our licensing system.
And even more - all our end-user .NET products on are protected with Ellipter.
And not only us - hundreds of companies and individual developers around world are using Ellipter as their licensing system.
Ellipter uses an asymmetric elliptic curves encryption algorithm to create and verify license keys which makes it impossible for a cracker to create any keygens by reverse-engineering your code or even having full access to the source code.
Ellipter works with Windows Forms and WPF applications, ASP.NET applications, web services, Windows services, components and class libraries, supports all .NET 1.1 - 4.5 versions.