Base32 string used to create serials. Must be generated by Ellipter programatically or by GUI.

Namespace: SeriousBit.Ellipter
Assembly: SeriousBit.Ellipter (in SeriousBit.Ellipter.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
<DefaultValueAttribute("null"), _
DescriptionAttribute("Base32 string used to create serials. Must be generated by Ellipter programatically or by GUI."), _

Public Property PrivateKey As String
[DescriptionAttribute("Base32 string used to create serials. Must be generated by Ellipter programatically or by GUI.")]
public string PrivateKey { get; set; }
[DescriptionAttribute(L"Base32 string used to create serials. Must be generated by Ellipter programatically or by GUI.")]
public property string PrivateKey sealed {
String get();
void set(String value);
/** @attribute DefaultValueAttribute("null") */
/** @attribute DescriptionAttribute("Base32 string used to create serials. Must be generated by Ellipter programatically or by GUI.") */
/** @attribute CategoryAttribute("Behavior") */
/** property */
public string get_PrivateKey();

/** property */
public void set_PrivateKey(string value);
public function get PrivateKey() : String

public function set PrivateKey(value : String);

See Also